The Motorola softmodem is designed to meet the specific needs of the desktop and portable PC OEM. This software gives manufacturers greater flexibility in platform design while offering significant cost savings, because it greatly reduces the amount of modem hardware. In a nutshell, the SM56 is:
- Lower in cost
- Smaller
- Lower in power consumption
- Easily software upgradable
- Available in USB, PCI, MDC and Modem-on-Motherboard form factors
- Compatible with Windows® 2000, XP, Vista, Mac OS and Linux
Extensive diagnostic support with detailed phone line quality statistics is included to reduce the number of technical support calls and the length of each call.
Motorola’s softmodem comes feature-packed with ITU-T V.92/V.44, ITU-T V.90 and K56flex™ auto-negotiation with auto-fallback to ITU-T V.34 and below.
Software upgrades are easily made. End users, then, find it easy to keep abrest of new communications technology.